Make your application settings store values in database

Application settings in .net applications is a mechanism that allows you to define, modify and easily access a collection of settings. Depending on the setting scope (user or application) they are stored in a .config file deeply under your %USER_PROFILE% folder or in your application’s .exe.config or web.config file. In this post I will show a way to change that behavior and make settings be stored in database.

By Mirek on (tags: settings, categories: None)

TypeScript - a way to embrace the fuzzy world of java script.

What I always dislike in java script was the fuzziness of this language. Very often you didn’t know what type the variable is or if it was an object or a function. I always lack of some strong typing, design time rich intellisense or compile time type checking, which would minimize the possibility of making a bug in the java script code.

By Mirek on (tags: javascript, TypeScript, categories: architecture)

Movable rows in WPF DataGrid

DataGrid control in WPF is a rich table structured control, which is perfect for displaying any kind of data in table like format. The one think about DataGrid it always lack, is a possibility to easily change the order of rows. It is not even about drag and drop of rows and items from and into the DataGrid , but simply rearrange existing rows in DataGrid control. It this post I will present you my solution for this problem, which additionally sticks to MvvM pattern perfectly.

By Mirek on (tags: Attached property, DataGrid, WPF, categories: code)

Web Api: custom binding with AutoMapper

In Web Api 2.0 and MVC5 you can only pass: int, bool, double etc.., TimeSpan, DateTime, Guid, decimal, and string values in URI. For any complex type having lists or other complex object within you have to pass serialized JSON/XML in the request body. But what If we want use such complex type from URI? Then read on…

By Piotr on (tags: automapper, mvc, Web API, categories: code)

MVC custom error pages

Long story short – mvc does not handle custom error pages in a way that could be described as ‘even close to correct’. But if you need to fulfill a requirement, you start hacking.

By eidias on (tags: mvc, categories: code, web)