Usage of response compression in ASP.NET Core 1.1

When you’ve limited network bandwidth or you are unable to use the Dynamic Compression module in IIS then ASP.NET Core 1.1 comes with rescue. ASP.NET Core team provides a middleware to handle response compression. All modern browsers support multiple compression schemes such as deflate and gzip. Using this feature in your web application can improve overall user experience. Pac…

By Dawid on (tags: compression, middleware, .NET Core 1.1, response, categories: code)

TFS 2017 copy build definition template between team projects

Over a year ago I’ve presented a solution to copy build definitions between team projects in new Team Foundation Server 2015. That was a workaround for missing functionality in TFS, so there was no standard way to save the build definition as a template and reuse it outside the scope of current team project. Well, in TFS 2017 it hasn’t change yet…

By Mirek on (tags: build definition, Powershell, tfs, vNext, VSO, categories: tools, infrastructure)

Does it make sense to NGen – compile your ASP.NET MVC application ?

In .Net world every line of code has to be compiled before it can be executed obviously. However the compilation process occurs twice. First the Common Intermediate Language (CIL) is produced out of human readable code and it occurs just after the development process. Then the CIL is compiled into the native code specifically to be interpreted  by the target machine. The letter step occurs on the fly, on client machine and is called the JIT (Just In Time) compilation.

By Mirek on (tags: NGen CIL JIT-compilation, categories: architecture, tools)

ASP.NET Core and IIS

What does it means to host you application in IIS? To help with that there is new module called ASP.NET Core Module.


By Dawid on (tags: ASP.NET, core, iis, categories: code)

ASP.NET Core hosting

Hosting is how you get you ASP.NET application up and running. And ASP.NET Core is just bunch of libraries host in you own process. It’s not provide a hosting – user have to take care of providing hosting process.

By Dawid on (tags: ASP.NET, core, hosting, categories: code)

Azure Functions

Some time ago Microsoft announced the Azure Functions. What it is exactly? So, Azure Functions are event driven functions which are executed on some occurrence of events but also can be used on-demand.

By Dawid on (tags: azure, c#, functions, categories: azure, code)

Secrets of project.json file

As you may already notice ASP.NET Core is using project.json files to controls almost all aspects of the project. It contains lot of section (which I will describe bellow) with full support of intellisense. That file is also synchronized with Solution Explorer – removing referenced from file will automatically update References node in Solution Explorer. Here is the list of pro…

By Dawid on (tags: ASP.NET, core, project.json, categories: code)

Entity Framework Core context in separate assembly

Most of example currently available on the internet shows how’s to start using ASP.NET Core and EF Core implemented in the same assembly. In the RC1 there was couple of tricks which we had to implement if we would like to have separate assembly with data model definition. In RC2 release it’s a little bit easier. Bellow I’ll show you how you can achieve that. This is our applica…

By Dawid on (tags: ASP.NET, context, core, ef core, categories: code)