WPF DataGrid row click command

The Windows Presentation Foundation DataGrid control offers a huge possibilities regarding displaying tabular data. However one functionality I was always missing in data grid was the possibility to fire a command when user clicks a row.

By Mirek on (tags: DataGrid, mvvm, WPF, categories: code)

Sticky floating sidebar with pure CSS

In this short post I will show you how to make a floating but sticky elements on a side bar. The element is sticky to the bottom of the screen, but when content is scrolled then the upcoming header or footer element gets precedense and moves the sticky element around. See how it behaves on an animation.

By Mirek on (tags: css, flex, HTML, sidebar, sticky, categories: code, web)

New feature of .NET Core 2 – Razor Pages

If you are looking for another way of building web applications then Razor Pages are for you! Razor Pages are page based programming model for ASP.NET Core MVC and they makes page focused scenarios easier and more productive.

By Dawid on (tags: .NET Core 2.0, Pages, razor, categories: code)

Usage of response compression in ASP.NET Core 1.1

When you’ve limited network bandwidth or you are unable to use the Dynamic Compression module in IIS then ASP.NET Core 1.1 comes with rescue. ASP.NET Core team provides a middleware to handle response compression. All modern browsers support multiple compression schemes such as deflate and gzip. Using this feature in your web application can improve overall user experience. Pac…

By Dawid on (tags: compression, middleware, .NET Core 1.1, response, categories: code)

ASP.NET Core and IIS

What does it means to host you application in IIS? To help with that there is new module called ASP.NET Core Module.


By Dawid on (tags: ASP.NET, core, iis, categories: code)